Saturday, January 29, 2011

dogtooth: bite on this

yorgos lanthimos' DOGTOOTH. it's messed up in all the right places.

here's the story: two parents keep three kids (now matured young adults) at home, teaching them to fear the world that exists beyond their yard's fence. when they happen to accidentally learn of outside words and ideas, their parents explain them away (for example, they are taught the word "pussy" to mean a large light, and a "zombie" is a yellow flower). one of the three children acts up throughout the film despite physical punishment. because she creates stress for the family, we as audience members have enough of a plot to follow.

lanthimos begs his audience to reflect on how parents raise children, specifically comparing these kids to the domestic pets many families own today. he tells his story through scenes with unnerving action, imposing frightening and bizarre images on the minds of anyone who chooses to see it. (the clip below provides a great idea of the film's tone; trust me, though, it's just the tip of the iceberg.)

this cannot be anyone's cup o' tea, nor can i give it a stellar recommendation, but by golly does it start a discussion.

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